Dialogue platform Power-to-Heat

The dialogue platform offers all stakeholders the opportunity of discussing scientific problems, of presenting new projects, products and processes, as well as of reporting on experiences with existing plants. The target group is industrial companies as providers and users of Power-to-Heat, research institutes, energy supply companies from the areas of electricity and heat, contracting companies, companies providing technical equipment for buildings and property business, as well as associations and government departments.
Besides technical-scientific problems, it is also aimed at stimulating the discussion of suitable regulatory and legal frameworks so that the ecological and energetic efficiency potentials of Power-to-Heat can be economically utilised with high electricity production from wind and photovoltaic plants.
Finally, the dialogue platform is a forum for technical and scientific cooperation to initiate research and development projects, demonstration projects and accompanying research on the effect of Power-to-Heat on energy supply systems and climate protection.
efzn Partner: Energietechnische Gesellschaft (ETG) des Verbandes der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e. V. (VDE); Klimaschutz- und Energieagentur Niedersachsen (KEAN)
Conference venue: n.n.
Next date: n.n.