Location Braunschweig
In terms of the content of its work the Energy Research Node of Braunschweig (EFK BS) can essentially be allocated to the two EFZN lines of research of “P2X Technologies“ and “Integrated Energy Systems / Sector Interlinking“. Additionally, topics of material sciences as well as social sciences are investigated. For every research line there are contact partners who, together with the Braunschweig EFZN Board Member Professor Bernd Engel, form the team of spokespersons of the EFK BS. The team of spokespersons is supported by the coordinator of the research node who is responsible for research applications, communication with research partners, organisational matters etc. and who forms the interface with other EFZN locations.
Currently, about 30 institutes of different disciplines from five faculties of the University of Technology Braunschweig in cooperation with
- the Automotive Research Centre Niedersachsen (NFF),
- the Battery LabFactory Braunschweig (BLB),
- the Laboratory of Emerging Nanometrology (LENA) as well as
- the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) are brought together in the EFK BS.
Core topics
The research topics of the EFK BS are P2X Technologies, Energy Systems and Sector Interlinking. These topics are covered by various member institutes and employees in different research projects. The core research topics within the EFK are structured in such a way that contributions can be made to the energy value chain and the energy utilisation chain of the future.
It is the objective of the EFK BS to strengthen its presence in the areas of “Intelligent Decentralised Energy Systems and Storage”. In the process, the motto of “small, scalable, intelligent“ is used as vision for future projects. Currently, the EFK BS is involved in the EFZN lead project "SiNED – Systemdienstleistungen für sichere Stromnetze in Zeiten fortschreitender Energiewende und digitaler Transformation" ["Ancillary Services for Reliable Power Grids in Times of Progressive German Energiewende and Digital Transformation"]. In addition, the EFK BS is represented in the "EFZN-Forschungsverbund Wasserstoff Niedersachsen" ["EFZN Hydrogen Research Society of Lower Saxony"].